Generative AI is on its way to HR: Keep an eye out for these impact areas in the near future.

27/04/23 02:21

AI’s impact might almost feel ‘miraculous’ in some areas of HR, Josh Bersin says.

With the seeming inevitability of Jason Momoa approaching Henry Cavill on the red carpet, generative AI is coming for HR technologies. Though ChatGPT isn't yet fully integrated into the HR IT stack, teams have already used it to write performance appraisals, and some job seekers are utilizing it as a sort of "calculator" for creating résumés and cover letters. (ChatGPT is a Microsoft-backed OpenAI project, and the initials stand for "generative pre-trained transformer.")

According to Josh Bersin, HR tech analyst and founder and CEO of human capital advice business the Josh Bersin Company, the greatest immediate impact of generative AI will be seen by HR professionals in recruiting, career development, and employee self-service.

Recruiting. Generative AI sifts through massive volumes of data spread throughout the internet. Certain tools have enough of material to locate top candidates with publicly available information about people's career histories polluting platforms like LinkedIn.

“If you’re a nurse, there’s a registry of all your nursing certifications, [likewise] if you’re a software engineer and you’ve uploaded your code to GitHub,” he explained. “There’s a lot of public information about people that’s not connected. But the AI can connect it and make sense of it.”

Beamery, SeekOut, and Eightfold AI are a few tools to keep an eye on; they have all just recently announced GPT interfaces. According to Bersin, all three businesses are working to create solutions that will provide "recruiters, HR managers, or hiring managers better information to recruit and match people more quickly."

Career mobility and L&D. AI is available to illuminate the road if comprehending your professional trajectory has ever felt difficult, according to Bersin.

Employees may constantly improve their skills with the use of tools like TalentGuard's WorkforceGPT, which uses ChatGPT's API to keep employers informed of the newest and greatest skills.

This will help internal mobility because "you can intelligently match internal candidates to jobs" depending on particular skill sets, according to Bersin. According to Bersin, Beamery, EightfoldAI, and Docebo all have applications in this space, and Beamery is also developing an AI skills package. According to the software, "based on the most high performing people in the database, you're here, [so] you should probably take this job," which it can do by looking at millions of people's employment histories. 

Tech for self-service. Alternatively, intelligent assistants are already managing basic employee interaction that has traditionally been the domain of HR professionals, such as telling how much PTO someone has remaining. According to individuals who spoke with HR Brew last month, as some solutions gain popularity, they might free up HR departments to concentrate on longer-term, strategic choices at their firms.

According to Bersin, businesses may save money by doing these duties using software like Paradox or Talkpush. "Companies invest millions of dollars in internal portals and webpages...When you use ChatGPT to query all the information that is currently available on these portals, you have the employee self-service system available for workers to use.

Source: HR Brew

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