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The best ways to learn how to code for yourself

18/11/20 15:15

If  you’re new to coding and web development, you’re probably asking:

  • Where can I find the best online courses for learning to code?
  • What’s the best online coding course for beginners?
  • If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place!

When you start learning how to code, you don’t want to waste your time on the wrong resources. And since there are tons of coding courses to choose from, finding the best ones can often feel difficult.

Especially if you’re looking for the best coding courses for beginners, it’s hard to know where to start. You want to find a course that starts with the very basics. Yet, you need a course that will teach you how to apply your new skills to building something meaningful on your own.

Throughout the years, I’ve tried and tested countless of online courses and other learning resources. Some of them were great – and others weren’t.

Based on my experience, I’ve gathered all my favorite resources, tutorials, and books on this page. These best coding courses for beginners will help you learn the skills you need to start a career in tech, either full-time or freelancing.

With that said, let’s jump right in!

Try a free course first

If you are looking for your very first programming lesson, use a free course first. That’s the best way to see if coding and online learning is your thing.

Also, I’d suggest you try a couple of different courses. If you’re not sure what you want to specialize in, learning just the basics for a couple of programming languages is a great idea.

If you’re on a small budget, free courses can take you a long way. However, paid courses often offer more practical projects to work on. And since an online course is an investment that will pay off, consider investing a few bucks in a quality course if you can. You’ll learn a solid foundation for building projects of your own.

Additionally, if you’ve made a small investment, you’re also more likely to follow through and finish the course. You simply expect something in return for your money, which is exactly what you’re going to get with paid courses.

Source: Milkecourse

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