Hunting For IT Talents During The Summer Internship

22/05/24 03:29

Summer is around the corner, and the exciting atmosphere of internship season is bustling throughout the universities. This is also the time when businesses, especially those in the information technology (IT) field, are looking for young and dynamic human resources.

Therefore, how can businesses seize this golden opportunity to hunt for IT talents and build quality human resources? Let's find out in this blog.

High Time To Recruit Interns

The timing of recruiting interns may depend on the needs and recruitment process of the business. However, there are some periods that can be considered "golden time" for recruitment, such as the summer (May to June), year-end period (November to December), etc.

Currently, the demand for IT internships in Vietnam is on the rise and is considered an important way for students to gain practical experience in the field of information technology. After the layoffs, Vietnam's economy is gradually stabilizing. Recruiting interns can help businesses save costs and attract a number of young and skilled employees.

According to updated data at HR1Tech, jobs for interns always receive significant attention. In the same field of expertise, compared to other positions (such as leader or manager), positions such as intern, fresher, or junior tend to receive about 30–40% more applications.

Intern, Fresher, Junior positions receive more applications.
Source: HR1Tech

According to forecasts, by 2025, Vietnam will still need 700,000 human resources in the information technology industry. However, of the more than 57,000 students graduating each year, only about 30% of graduates each year have enough practical skills and expertise to meet the job requirements of businesses. The remainder (about 70%) need additional training for 3-6 months to achieve corresponding job performance. Through this, we can see that the need for apprenticeship to master the profession is really important in this field.

What Should HR Do To Attract Young IT Talents?

To attract IT talents, the HR department can apply different methods depending on the requirements of the business.

1. Clear And Detailed Job Descriptions

An important factor for recruiting talents is that the job description needs to be detailed and clear. HR should create quality job postings, outlining specific requirements, desired skills and experience.

In a specific field such as Information Technology, HR needs to use specialized language and appropriate terminology to attract the interest of IT candidates. Detailed descriptions of ongoing technology projects within the company also increase the likelihood of attracting experienced and passionate IT personnel.

2. Creating Employer Branding

Employers can create a dynamic, creative corporate image and enhance their reputation on online channels such as building their own website, professional social networking sites, sharing information about corporate culture, organizational professional association, attractive benefits,...

3. Using Services At Sites Specializing In Recruitment

To access quality candidates, employers can post recruitment information on reliable websites and use premium service packages. This will help increase visibility and reach more potential candidates.

There are many reputable IT recruitment sites today such as TopDev, ITviec, HR1Tech, etc. Especially with HR1Tech, this is a company providing platform that helps employers connect directly with talents in the IT field. Possessing an abundant database and source of highly qualified candidates, along with service packages for employers to optimize costs, HR1Tech has successfully helped many businesses attract and recruit quality IT personnel.

Products and Services at HR1Tech

4. Collaborating With Universities

In addition, businesses can associate with universities and training organizations. HR can establish close relationships with universities through participating in recruitment events, career weeks, etc. At the same time, HR can coporate to held in-depth training programs, seminars, workshops, internships and practicums for students and new graduates.

Expanding the network of relationships at universities is very important for companies, because it helps attract young employees thoroughly. With the companionship at Career Week with Hoa Sen University, Convocation Day at FPT University, Job Fair in Greenwich as well as career orientation programs at other universities, HR1Tech has received great attention and interest from students, therefore attracting many talented young employees to the company.

HR1Tech at Orientation Fall Event - FPT University

HR1Tech at Job Fair Event - Greenwich Vietnam

HR1Tech at the Career Week Event at Hoa Sen University



HR1Tech and students at Convocation Day - FPT University

For further services, do not hesitate to contact HR1Tech via:

HR1 TECH - The leading AI Recruitment Platform in I.T

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