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Vietnam Is Facing A Shortage Of AI Workforce

30/07/24 02:58

In the context of the 4.0 technology revolution, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a leading field, playing a crucial role in the development of many industries. However, Vietnam is currently facing a shortage of specialized AI workforce. Both large technology corporations and small businesses are actively trying to recruit.

According to the national strategy for AI research, development, and application, the government aims to make AI a key technology by 2030, gradually helping Vietnam become a bright spot for AI in the region and globally. However, currently, Vietnam's AI workforce only meets a part of the market demand, causing significant challenges in implementing AI into the economy.

Google's report also reveals that Vietnam is making significant progress in leveraging AI to boost economic growth and improve the quality of life. AI also plays a vital role in driving Vietnam's transition toward a more diverse and competitive economy both regionally and globally.

Many challenges regarding the workforce are arising

Marc Woo, the CEO of Google for Vietnam and Asia-Pacific, has proposed three main recommendations for Vietnam to safely and effectively leverage AI and maximize its potential. These are: investing in infrastructure and promoting innovation, developing specialized AI workforce, and encouraging widespread AI adoption in the community.

Dr. Dinh Duy Linh, Director of the Post and Telecommunications Training Center II at the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, stated that AI and the talent for this field are becoming top priorities for businesses and organizations in Vietnam. AI is gradually becoming an important industry, and AI experts are being sought after with attractive benefits.

Mr. Linh emphasized that AI applications can enhance business performance and productivity, but they also face several barriers such as issues with personnel, costs, and adaptation among different labor groups. He recommends that training in AI application skills, from basic to advanced, is necessary for businesses to optimize effectiveness.

Enhance talent training

Currently, there are only about 300 AI experts in Vietnam, and improving the quality of training remains a major challenge. Therefore, advanced training programs and collaboration with international experts are expected to help Vietnam develop an AI workforce that meets the increasing demand.

Close coordination between the government, businesses, and educational institutions is needed to achieve strategic goals and fully harness the potential of AI technology. Investing in training, improving infrastructure, and encouraging innovation are essential factors. Addressing current issues and implementing effective solutions will help Vietnam not only meet the growing demand but also contribute to the sustainable development of the national digital economy.

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Source: Người Lao Động

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